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 Yanga Mbiwa and Gourcuff dropped from France squad

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر الابراج الابراج : السرطان عدد المساهمات : 3706
نقاط : 12493132
تاريخ الميلاد : 20/07/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/08/2010
العمر : 53

Yanga Mbiwa and Gourcuff dropped from France squad	 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Yanga Mbiwa and Gourcuff dropped from France squad    Yanga Mbiwa and Gourcuff dropped from France squad	 I_icon_minitime29.05.12 14:45

France coach Laurent Blanc dropped midfielder Yoann Gourcuff and defender Mapou Yanga Mbiwa when he named his 23-man squad for Euro 2012 on Tuesday.

Olympique Lyon playmaker Gourcuff had a mediocre domestic season and failed to convince in a 3-2 friendly win against Iceland on Sunday.

France are drawn in Group D against England, co-hosts Ukraine and Sweden in the June 8-July 1 tournament.

Les Bleus, who are unbeaten in their last 19 games, will start their campaign against England in Donetsk, Ukraine, on June 11.


Goalkeepers: Hugo Lloris (Olympique Lyon), Steve Mandanda (Olympique Marseille), Cedric Carrasso (Girondins Bordeaux)

Defenders: Gael Clichy (Manchester City), Patrice Evra (Manchester United), Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal), Philippe Mexes (AC Milan), Adil Rami (Valencia), Mathieu Debuchy (Lille), Anthony Reveillere (Olympique Lyon

Midfielders: Yohan Cabaye (Newcastle United), Florent Malouda (Chelsea), Samir Nasri (Manchester City), Alou Diarra (Olympique Marseille), Yann M'vila (Stade Rennes), Marvin Martin (Sochaux), Blaise Matuidi (Paris St Germain)

Forwards: Hatem Ben Arfa (Newcastle United), Karim Benzema (Real Madrid), Franck Ribery (Bayern Munich), Olivier Giroud (Montpellier), Jeremy Menez (Paris St Germain), Mathieu Valbuena (Olympique Marseille).
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Yanga Mbiwa and Gourcuff dropped from France squad
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